Become a Reviewer: Review Process

NASA Education Review Process

TEAM II proposals will be peer reviewed by experts outside of NASA, which may include, but are not limited to individuals working in STEM education at federal, state or local agencies and in industry, non-competing non-profit institutions, institutions of informal education, philanthropic foundations, K-12, and institutions of higher education. A diverse reviewer pool, including but not limited to practicing or retired scientists, engineers, technologists, higher education faculty, educators (e.g., K-12; informal; public outreach) and other experts (including individuals without a current institutional affiliation) with experience or knowledge of activities described in the TEAM II solicitation is welcome.

Each proposal is typically reviewed by at least three experts. Individual reviews, panel reviews or a combination of both may be used. On-line review using NSPIRES is done by reviewers working independently. On-line reviewers have around two to three weeks to finish the assigned proposals. Prior to the receipt of proposals, NASA cannot determine individual reviewer workload. The time needed to review a single proposal depends on the reading and writing capacity of the reviewer. On-line reviewers from previous CP4SMPVC and TEAM II competitions report spending 2-4 hours to review one proposal. Reviewers will generally be assigned no more than 9 proposals and sometimes less.

Any reviewers invited to participate in a panel can expect it to last 2 business days, plus an orientation session. Logistics about the reviewer panel will be provided only to those individuals who are asked to serve and who are available.

Following the external review, a summary of the peer reviewers' findings and recommendations are presented to NASA HQ. At NASA HQ, NASA's Office of STEM Engagement and collaborating mission directorates and support offices receive the findings. Peer findings are used at NASA HQ to help create an award portfolio to be forwarded to the NASA Selecting Official.

Peer reviewers' advice is an important input of the NASA Selecting Official's decision to recommend funding or declination of a proposal. When the selection process is completed, each proposing institution receives electronic copies of the anonymous individual and panel reviews.